September 27, 2022 2 min read


Nutritional Profile

Hemp seeds are a complete protein providing 10 grams per tablespoon. Having hemp seeds with your breakfast is a great way to boost your energy, not only are they protein-rich, but also contain Thiamin, a vitamin that helps produce energy.

Hemp seeds are also rich in fiber, making them good for digestion. Fiber is an essential nutrient that is necessary for a healthy digestive tract. Eating more fiber will help regulate bowel movements to make them healthier and more consistent.

It also helps regulate blood sugar and lowers LDL cholesterol, both are important to keeping a healthy heart. High fiber foods are key to weight loss as they are more slowly digested and therefore keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.

Hemp seeds are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These are polyunsaturated fats that help with brain function, cardiovascular health, bone health, chronic inflammation, and lowering triglycerides.


Minerals in Hemp Seeds

Iron is important for muscle function as it is needed to make hemoglobin, which is what provides them the oxygen they need to work properly. Without iron, the body could not produce the hemoglobin red blood cells need to provide energy and as a result, will become very weak and cause constant fatigue.

Magnesium is a mineral that works to promote a high-functioning brain and healthy bones. Magnesium is good for your muscles, both helping them relax and providing the energy needed to use them. It is overall a good mineral for heart health, lowering blood pressure, maintaining blood sugar, and reducing your chances of heart disease.

Phosphorus is another bone healthy mineral that helps produce tissue and keep it healthy. Phosphorus is similar to magnesium, both of them being minerals that produce healthy bones, are good for your muscles, and create energy.

Zinc is a nutrient instrumental in metabolic function and immune system health. This is another nutrient that helps lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

Selenium is an antioxidant that has many benefits when consumed regularly. It reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, gives your immune system a boost, and supports thyroid function.

❤ Try our USDA certified Hemp Seeds ❤

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Kinsey Taylor
Kinsey Taylor

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