March 30, 2021 2 min read

Health benefits of soybeans

The soybean is perhaps the most economically important bean in the world as is a major source providing vegetable protein for vegetarians. Other than being one of the richest and cheapest sources of protein, soybean is also the most nutritious and easily digested food of the bean family. It is also safe to say that soybean meals can often serve as a high protein meat substitute in many food products.

Along with its rich protein content, soybeans also offer substantial amounts of dietary fiber. Although there is a somewhat high-fat content in soybeans, most of it is in the form of mono and polyunsaturated fat which is considered heart-healthy. The beans are also good sources of calcium, magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, and folate.

Since there is no starch component in soybeans, they are a good source of protein for diabetics. In addition, many of the phytochemicals found in soybeans are known to be beneficial in preventing debilitating diseases like osteoporosis, heart disease, and certain types of cancers.

Purchasing and storing soybeans

When buying fresh soybeans or edamame, it is important to investigate pods that are blemish-free and firm. At the same time, the beans should neither be mushy nor wilted. Dried beans should be bought from a place that has a good turn over meaning a store that will have a continuous flow of fresh supply.

Soybeans Nutrition

For storing dried soybeans, care should be taken to keep the beans in a cool, dry place, in an airtight container. This storage technique will help keep the beans well for up to one year. On the other hand, fresh, mature soybeans need to be stored in the refrigerator and used within a day or two.

Edamame should also be stored in the refrigerator and used quickly. If frozen, edamame will keep for a longer time.

❤ Try our USDA certified organic Soybeans 

Other Soybean Articles:

Yummy Soybean Recipes


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    Kinsey Taylor
    Kinsey Taylor

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