March 01, 2022 2 min read

Generally, rice is classified into long, medium, and short-grain types. The basic difference between these classes of rice is that long grain is a term used for rice grains that are at least three times as long as they are wide. Medium grain rice varieties are less than three times as long as they are wide while short-grain
rice varieties comprise grains that are more than twice as wide as they are long.
Short grain rice varieties are a group of rice varieties that share similar short-grain characteristics.

Visually, these rice varieties have grains that are short and stubby, and when cooked the rice will be chewier and stickier than varieties with longer grains. Short grain rice is available as brown and white rice with the difference being in the degree of processing the grains have undergone.

Nutrition Profile

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsNutritionally, short-grain rice varieties offer all the nourishment that long-grain rice varieties do with a notable difference in the starch content of the grains. Short grain rice grains have higher starch content giving it the distinct stickiness that is suitable for dishes like risotto, sushi, and rice pudding.


Like other grains, uncooked rice can be stored in an airtight container in a cool dry place and will keep well for a long time. Cooked rice will keep well in the refrigerator for up to six or seven days. It can also be stored in the freezer where it can keep well for a couple of months.


Short grain rice is cooked like other types of rice. Bring two cups of water to boil to cook one cup of rice. Stir in the rice into boiling water that has been seasoned with salt. Let boil and lower heat until the liquid has been absorbed. This should take between 15- 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for five minutes before serving. Because of rice’s own mild flavor and ability to take on other flavors easily, it makes for a suitable ingredient in all types of dishes. It can be used equally effectively in spicy dishes as well as in sweet dishes. Rice can also make a good base for soups and casseroles.

 Be Still Farms- Real Fine Organics



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Michelle @ BSF
Michelle @ BSF

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