August 24, 2021 2 min read

Lentils are a superb source of vegetarian protein and are great for rounding out soups or making salads more filling. They come in an unprocessed form and are quicker to prepare when compared with dried beans. Most have a fresh, earthy flavor that blends well a variety of ingredients. However, there are different varieties of lentils, each with its own set of culinary perks. The most common of these types are red and green lentils.

Red Lentils

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsRed lentils are among the hulled varieties of lentils and are generally available in split form. Red lentils can range from pale gold to orange to red hues. This variety of lentils is the sweetest and nuttiest of all and one of the easiest types of lentils to cook. Cooking times for red lentils can go up to about 30 minutes but they tend to get mushy and disintegrate when cooked. This makes red lentils well suited for
Indian culinary creations like daal, curries, and other dishes that required a pureed texture. Red lentils can also be used to thicken soups and added to casseroles.

Green Lentils

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsGreen lentils on the other hand can be pale or mottled green-brown in color with a glossy exterior. They are available in whole form and when compared to red lentils, this lentil variety keeps its shape and firm texture after cooking. However, green lentils take the longest time to cook which can often go up to about 45 minutes or more. Because the lentils retain a firm texture after cooking, they make for a very suitable addition to salads and other side dishes. Given their ability to retain their shape well after cooking green lentils can also be eaten on their own.



     ❤ Try our USDA certified organic Red Lentils and Green Lentils 

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Michelle @ BSF
Michelle @ BSF

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