August 18, 2020 2 min read

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsThe health benefits of including coconut in your diet have long been recognized. Nutrient-rich, low in calories, a metabolism booster, and great for bone health, it also does wonders when the oil is applied for moisturizing your skin. But what are the benefits of using coconut flour?

Coconut flour is great for conditions such as diabetes as it contains high levels of manganese, which helps regulate blood sugar. It has a very low score of 51 on the glycemic index, which means a slower rise in blood glucose levels after eating.  Coconut flour is also high in lauric acid, a healthy saturated fat, and is a natural antimicrobial (meaning it is antibacterial and anti-fungal). 

Conversely, wheat flour disturbs your blood sugar levels, raises your cholesterol, and has a very harmful amount of gluten. Due to these properties, wheat, along with other regular grain-based flours, can aggravate health conditions such as diabetes, celiac, heart disease, and thyroid problems. Because they may not look like the regular types of junk food that are bad for you, all-purpose grain flours catch us off-guard with their ability to induce extremely high glucose levels. Of course, like most things, regular flour can be fine in moderation, depending on your health and dietary restrictions.


Be Still Farms- Real Fine Organics

The good news is that you don't need to miss out on your favorite recipes when reducing your wheat flour intake, just use coconut flour! Replacing wheat flour with coconut flour not only removes the risk of health problems that wheat flours can cause, but it also adds the health advantages of coconut, it’s a win-win. Adding our delicious, nutrient-rich coconut flour to your diet will soon have you glowing from the inside out! 

 ❤ Try our USDA certified organic Coconut Flour 
Yummy Coconut Flour Recipes

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    Please comment and share and we look forward to serving you in the future!

    Kinsey Taylor
    Kinsey Taylor

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