July 13, 2021 3 min read

Basmati rice is a unique species of rice that originates from the Indian subcontinent. And just like all other varieties of rice, basmati rice is also available as either white or brown rice. Basmati Rice is a long-grain rice type, known for its fragrant aroma and elongated grain after the cooking process. The elongation feature allows basmati rice grains to stay separated and fluffed after the cooking process. 

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsOther varieties of rice typically do not share this specific cooking feature giving basmati rice a distinct advantage over other rice varieties making it a favorite for certain types of rice dishes. When cooking basmati rice, it needs to be soaked for at least half an hour to allow the grains to absorb water so that they cook evenly without breaking.

When comparing basmati rice with other species of rice, the following may be mentioned, each with its own distinct features:

Long grain rice

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsLong grain varieties of rice like basmati contain less starch so that the cooked grains appear drier and separated. Long grain varieties often feature in pilafs or are served with dishes having a lot of sauce.  Long grain rice has a lower glycemic index than short-grain varieties. Of all the long-grain varieties, basmati rice features the lowest glycemic rating of all.

Short grain rice

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsShort grain varieties of rice are typically very starchy and cook up to be soft and sticky. Such rice is usually used in culinary concoctions like sushi, risotto or paella.

Brown rice

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsBrown rice is a whole grain where both the germ and bran parts of the grain have been left intact. As a result, this type of rice yields greater nutrients, more fiber, and a lower glycemic rating. However, there are also concerns about brown rice harboring more anti-nutrients in its husk which neutralizes the effect of many other nutrients contained in the rice. Brown rice may also not be the best type of rice to be tolerated by individuals with digestive issues as it can be hard to digest properly.

Brown rice is available in both long and short grains and is a lot chewier and heartier than white rice varieties. It also takes longer to cook.

White rice

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsWhite rice varieties are those where the outer husks have been removed from the rice, revealing the white grains inside. White rice varieties are easier to cook and digest than their brown rice counterparts and are used more widely as well. White rice is a well-tolerated grain by many whereas brown rice may be difficult to digest by people with gut issues.

Jasmine rice

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsA variety of the long grain type, jasmine rice has a distinct fragrance when cooked with a soft sticky texture. When compared with basmati rice, the grain appears to be shorter and thicker. This rice variety originates from Thailand and is commonly used in Southeast Asian cooking. It is typically cooked by steaming or the absorption method where the rice is cooked in a measured amount of water which is fully absorbed by the rice.

Arborio rice

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsArborio is a short-grain rice that is used for making dishes like risotto. The grains are small polished kernels that develop a creamy consistency when cooked. Arborio grains feature a characteristic white dot at the center of the grain and during cooking, the rice develops a creamy texture around a chewy center.

Wild rice

Be Still Farms- Real Fine OrganicsA more nutritious kind of rice, wild rice has a chewy outer sheath with a tender grain inside that has slightly vegetal taste. When compared to brown rice, wild rice has a higher protein and lower carbohydrate content. This also means that it has a significantly lower glycemic rating. One of its salient nutritional features is that wild rice boasts decent sources of omega 3s with a great omega 3: omega 6 ratio. 

Be Still Farms- Real Fine Organics


 Try our USDA certified Organic Brown Basmati Rice 





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Michelle @ BSF
Michelle @ BSF

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